My story
I wasn’t familiar with therapy at all when I was younger; in fact, my first experience of therapy was attending a support group for graduate students at the University of Pittsburgh when I was beginning to come to terms with the fact that I didn’t want a PhD in Molecular Biology.
It was mainly just a place to talk, to hash things out with ourselves and find common ground with others. But there was something else going on that I wanted to pursue. It was more than just talking to supportive, sympathetic friends. I began to read, starting with classics from the earliest years of the profession.
I was becoming aware of how much more is going on beneath our everyday level of awareness. As a scientist, I gave credence to whatever I could objectively measure, whatever outcomes my experiments consistently yielded.
That wasn’t enough to answer the bigger questions I had, though. Why was it so hard to feel connected? Why did the couples I knew fight over the same issues without resolution? Why did so many lovely, caring people I knew struggle with loneliness, depression, addiction, anxiety? These were the questions that inspired me to look deeper.
For my investigative nature, it wasn’t enough to seek therapy for myself to answer the questions I had. I didn’t just want to heal and move on; I had found the thing I wanted to dedicate myself to understanding: how our emotions and our relationships shape our lives.
I left the PhD program and began pursuing my newfound passion. At every step, I have enjoyed the conviction that I am studying, learning, developing, and practicing the exact right skill set for doing the work that’s most meaningful to me. I find immense satisfaction in seeing progress before me in clients who show up with courage and vulnerability to find new ways of being in the world.
I still retain that training as a scientist, which sets me a little apart from most therapists. I pay attention to outcomes and effectiveness. I don’t want to waste time on a strategy that isn’t working. I am open and genuine, never hiding behind some mysterious “process” or asking you to put faith in me blindly. I want to fully understand your needs and goals, and I want you to fully understand my approach for getting there.
Therapy isn't boring or pedantic. It is a place to get in touch with what is mysterious in the human psyche, with the ways that emotions operate far outside of logic, yet still make sense, and for recognizing that our journeys to healing are not always straight lines. I bring compassion, patience, and humor into the room as well as purpose and expertise.
If you're ready to start, give me a call! I would be delighted to speak with you about your goals and needs.
“To love is not to give of your riches but to reveal to others their riches; their gifts, their value; and to trust them and their capacity to grow.”